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#SurviveTogether Week Three
Survivor Stories “Violence not only causes physical injury, it also undermines the social, economic, psychological, spiritual and emotional well-being of the victim.” Susmitha B, “Domestic Violence: Causes, Impact, and Remedial Measures.” You deserve kindness! If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse and needs help, please contact Women’s Advocates’…
#SurviveTogether Week Two
Healthy Relationships vs. Unhealthy Relationships Do you think you or a loved one may be in an abusive relationship? We are here to help! Unhealthy relationships are based upon power and control. This can include coercion, threats, intimidation, put-downs, isolation, etc. Abuse is not just physical. Abuse can…
#SurviveTogether Week One
Connections between Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence This week marks the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). As a Domestic Violence shelter, we know all too well that sexual assault plays a part in the lives of our survivors. As RAINN states, “Sexual assault in a relationship rarely exists…
Estelle Brouwer named Executive Director of Women’s Advocates
Saint Paul, MN July 12, 2017 Women’s Advocates, the first shelter in the nation for victims of domestic violence, is thrilled to announce that it has hired Estelle Brouwer, MPP, as its new Executive Director. After a six-month search, Estelle was chosen to lead Women’s Advocates because of her…
Long-time Women’s Advocates Supporter Passes
Acknowledging the death of Women’s Advocates supporter and domestic violence advocate Sandra Butler: Women’s Advocates is so appreciative of Sandra’s lifelong work to uplift and encourage women in our community. Obituary: St. Paul philanthropist Sandra Butler focused on arts, education …
International Women’s Day
In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, Women’s Advocates is thrilled that the community is interested in supporting our cause by donating needed items. If you would like to make a donation, here are some of the ways you can help: Bring us new and gently…
2015-2016 Annual Report Available
Here is the 2015-2016 Annual Report on Women’s Advocates’ activities during the last fiscal year. Read to find out more about our programs’ impacts on the community and in the lives of women, children and families seeking safety.
Women’s Advocates on Fox 9 Morning Show
October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Women’s Advocates discussed signs of domestic violence with Fox 9 on their morning show. Watch below.
Women’s Advocates on WCCO Mid Morning Show
Watch Women’s Advocates’ Executive Director Babette Jamison discuss the signs of domestic violence on WCCO’s mid morning show, as part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. …
April 19th 5:30pm | Witness the Journey: a tour of Women’s Advocates
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