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Chat live with our crisis resource advocate here.
Call our 24/7 Crisis Line: 651-227-8284.
Women’s Advocates’ crisis line is answered by trained advocates who provide support and referrals for individuals who are:
- in need of emergency shelter
- in a domestic abuse situation and don’t know what to do
- looking for general legal information or referrals
- looking for resources to find safe housing options
- in need of someone to talk to
Don’t have access to a telephone? You can reach our trained Crisis Resource Advocate at resources@wadvocates.org. The option to text 911 is now available statewide in Minnesota and other states. You can also explore our Online Resource Hub with national and local resources.
Our Pet Foster Program helps ensure victim-survivors do not have to leave their pets behind. Learn more here.
Explore our resource hubPlan for Your Safety
Need safety resources while isolated in your home?
Take our questionnaire and create a safety plan that works for you.
These online resources are a helpful way to navigate the process of finding help and staying safe.
Safety TipsWhat is Domestic Violence?
Definitions, warning signs, and resources to learn about domestic violence and help others who may be experiencing it.
- Warning signs of abuse
- What is domestic violence?
- 6 Steps You Can Take to Break the Cycle of Relationship Abuse
- Mental Health and Domestic Violence
- Domestic violence in the LGBTQIA+ Community
- The Invisibility of Elder Abuse
- Healthy relationships
- How you can help victims of domestic abuse
- COVID-19 (coronavirus) specific resources
Limited English Proficiency Policy
- English: Women’s Advocates will assist anyone with limited English regarding options for language assistance, free of charge.
- Chinese:
- 妇女权益倡导者将免费为英语能力有限的人提供语言援助选项的帮助。
- Fùnǚ quányì chàngdǎo zhě jiāng miǎnfèi wèi yīngyǔ nénglì yǒuxiàn de rén tígōng yǔyán yuánzhù xuǎnxiàng de bāngzhù.
- French: Women’s Advocates aidera gratuitement toute personne ayant un anglais limité concernant les options d’assistance linguistique.
- Hmong: Cov Poj Niam Cov Kws Pab Tswv Yim yuav pab txhua tus uas muaj lus Askiv tsawg txog kev xaiv rau kev pab hais lus, tsis pub dawb.
- Korean:
- Women’s Advocates는 언어 지원 옵션과 관련하여 영어가 제한된 모든 사람을 무료로 도와드립니다.
- Women’s Advocatesneun eon-eo jiwon obsyeongwa gwanlyeonhayeo yeong-eoga jehandoen modeun salam-eul mulyolo dowadeulibnida.
- Oromo: Leelliftoonni Dubartootaa filannoowwan gargaarsa afaanii ilaalchisee nama Afaan Ingiliffaa daangeffame qabu kamiyyuu ni gargaaru, kaffaltii malee.
- Somali: U-doodayaasha Haweenka ayaa ka caawin doona qof kasta oo Ingiriisi xaddidan ku saabsan doorashooyinka kaalmada luqadda, lacag la’aan.
- Spanish: Women’s Advocates ayudará a cualquier persona con inglés limitado con respecto a las opciones de asistencia lingüística, de forma gratuita.
- Sudanese: Advokat Awéwé bakal ngabantosan saha waé anu gaduh basa Inggris terbatas ngeunaan pilihan pikeun bantuan basa, gratis.
- Swahili: Mawakili wa Wanawake watasaidia mtu yeyote aliye na Kiingereza kidogo kuhusu chaguo za usaidizi wa lugha, bila malipo.
- Tajik:
- Адвокатҳои занон ба ҳар касе, ки забони англисӣ доранд, дар бораи имконоти кӯмаки забонӣ ройгон кӯмак мекунанд.
- Advokathoi zanon ʙa har kase, ki zaʙoni anglisī dorand, dar ʙorai imkonoti kūmaki zaʙonī rojgon kūmak mekunand.
- Thai:
- Women’s Advocates จะช่วยเหลือใครก็ตามที่มีภาษาอังกฤษจำกัดเกี่ยวกับตัวเลือกความช่วยเหลือด้านภาษา โดยไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย
- Women’s Advocates ca ch̀wy h̄elụ̄x khır k̆tām thī̀ mī p̣hās̄ʹā xạngkvs̄ʹ cảkạd keī̀yw kạb tạw leụ̄xk khwām ch̀wy h̄elụ̄x d̂ān p̣hās̄ʹā doy mị̀mī kh̀ā chı̂ c̀āy