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March 26, 2024

Introducing the Minnesota Pet Foster Coalition

  The Minnesota Pet Foster Coalition is a new partnership between Women’s Advocates, Cornerstone, Tubman, Animal Humane Society, The Bond Between, and Four Winds Connections. The new Minnesota Pet Foster Coalition aims to keep victim-survivors of domestic violence…

January 19, 2024

Author MaryJanice Davidson Joins the Fight Against Domestic Violence with ‘ROAD QUEENS’

Great news! NYT best-selling author MaryJanice Davidson’s new book, ROAD QUEENS, is finally here! ROAD QUEENS is the story of three women who bond over rescuing survivors of domestic violence. Readers are calling it “Sex and the City meets Sons of Anarchy”, and while some of the subject matter is grim,…

January 10, 2024

Education & Outreach Quarterly Newsletter: January 2024

Our Education & Outreach Quarterly Newsletter is here to keep you in the loop on all the incredible events and webinars heading your way. Don’t miss out on FREE webinars and learn how the recent Safe Harbor funding we’ve received will allow us to serve those experiencing trafficking…

March 13, 2023

Rose’s Story: Part 2

In our fall newsletter, we shared the personal story of Jessica Rose, a survivor of domestic violence trying to find housing for her family after leaving her abuser. Click here to read part 1 and continue reading about her experience in part 2 below. After fleeing domestic violence…

January 25, 2023

Women’s Advocates is proud to introduce Holly Henning as our new Executive Director

Women’s Advocates is proud to announce that Holly Henning will be joining the team as our new Executive Director on February 21.   Also known by her nêhiyawak (Cree) name Miskitoos, or Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) name Gimiwnaaabo-Ikwe, Holly is an enrolled member of Marten Falls Anishinaabe First Nation…

January 10, 2023

Foster a Victim-Survivor’s Pet

Did you know nearly half of victim-survivors of domestic violence stay in abusive situations rather than leave their pets behind? Women’s Advocates’ Survivor Advisory Committee, made up of current and former program participants, wants to work with our community to fix this problem. They are asking Women’s Advocates to…

December 13, 2022

Thank you to our major donors and community partners!

We would like to extend a special thank you to our major donors and community partners who have given this year. Thank you for sharing our vision of a community free from violence, where all are safe and can live productive and healthy lives. Ann Adams and Sally Ehlers…

December 1, 2022

Quarterly Newsletter: December 2022

Read our Quarterly Newsletter today where we share how you can give back this holiday season and to read Jessica Rose’s Story: Part 1, which shares the lived experience of a victim-survivor of domestic violence. Subscribe to receive important Women’s Advocates updates in your inbox every quarter. Read and subscribe…

November 28, 2022

Rose’s Story: Part 1

Over the next few months, we will be sharing the personal story of Jessica Rose, a survivor of domestic violence trying to find housing for her family after leaving her abuser. Read part 1 below and continue onto part 2 by clicking here.  It is very important for people…

November 22, 2022

2022 Domestic Violence Awareness Month Video Series

October was Domestic Violence Awareness Month. With the support of our community, we were able to raise over $112,000 during our 2022 fundraiser to break the cycle of domestic violence in our community and beyond! We released four short videos that tell stories of healing and our team’s innovative…